Amphibians & reptiles RSPP 7.7_spa-US-1.jpg

Amphibians & Reptiles of Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Self-guided tour, pamphlet available in 5 languages. All of the animals depicted in the guide are found around Swan Lake. Please appreciate these animals by observing from a distance. Never attempt to touch these animals as they are both sensitive to handling and could be dangerous.

Lichens of Rockefeller_zho-CN-2.jpg

Lichens of Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Self-guided tour, pamphlet available in 5 languages.

Wildflower Brochure Spring 2019v5_kor-1.jpg

Spring Wildflowers of Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Self-guided tour, pamphlet available in 5 languages.

Wildflower locations in Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Please do not pick the flowers.